I\'m feeling weaker and weaker
Somebody better show me how
Before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now\"
(《Leave Right Now》by Will Young)
下車以後,風越來越大,靳時川給楊蕭在小店買了一對毛絨絨的護耳。回到家中,暖暖的,他給二人做了一鍋Chowder,開了一瓶Burgundy Chardonnay,配了幾塊吐司。楊蕭吃完,讓Alexa(播歌機器人)重複上一次播的歌,Alexa重複了一遍指令,“《Chocolate Ice》, Janice Vidal.\"
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, yeah, yeah
Bring me to the sea of sugar and spice
Reminiscing through some chocolate ice
Tick-tock, take time to be gentle and kind
You sweat \'cause you runnin\'
Run all day in my mind
Fly to the moon and the sun
And lets go have some fun
Come and take my hand and free your soul again
Fly to the moon and the sun
And let\'s go have some fun
It\'s one, two, three, my love is plain to see
What I do for you, baby, do for me
Let me serenade your soul
When you\'re feeling down and low
Let the music come alive
Let tenderness arrive
Let me serenade your soul
When your feeling down and low
Boy, you make me feel so high
Together we can fly
Bring me to the sea of sugar and spice
Reminiscing through some chocolate ice
Tick-tock, take time to be gentle and kind
You sweat \'cause you\'re runnin\'
Run all day in my mind
Fly to the moon and the sun
And lets go have some fun
Come and take my hand and free your soul again
Fly to the moon and the sun
And let\'s go have some fun
Its one, two, three my love is plain to see
What I do for you, baby, do for me
Let me serenade your soul
When you\'re feeling down and low
Let the music come alive
Let tenderness arrive
Let me serenade your soul
When your feeling down and low
Boy, you make me feel so high
Together we can fly
楊蕭細聽歌詞,覺得挺適合的。靳時川收拾了桌子,拿出來一小碟花生糖,“我家沒有Chocolate Ice,甜品是花生糖。”楊蕭迫不及待地拿了一塊,“太好了!我小時候放學最愛看大街上彆人做花生糖!”靳時川說,“我也會做。不過這不是我做的,是糖果店買的。”楊蕭咬了一口,咀嚼了一小下,“中英版本並無區彆。對了,你還有什麼不會做的?”“你想我做什麼?這房子裡你能看見的我應該都會。”楊蕭見牆角放了一把電子吉他,指了指,“給我彈首歌?”
靳時川笑笑,走過去把吉他抱起,“可以。”插了線,突然音箱一陣搖滾背景,靳時川彈了一首Europe的《The Final Countdown》!楊蕭聽著那經常被用來作足球比賽背景的歌,笑得直不起腰來。一曲既罷,靳時川拔掉電源,搶過楊蕭手中的花生糖,放進嘴裡,“你要不要先刷牙洗臉?”楊蕭目瞪口呆,看看牆上,“才七點哦!”又拿了一塊花生糖放嘴裡。“我想洗個澡!你點好香薰蠟燭等我吧!”靳時川搖搖食指,“忘了我是消防員?!我家沒有蠟燭。”“你這樣子還想騙小女生跟你好?!”“我身材好,有資本!”楊蕭沒好氣,最後塞嘴裡一塊花生糖,把雙手放鏡子上一下冰夠了,然後放進靳時川上衣底下。隻覺靳時川硬硬的腹肌紋絲不動,自己卻不舍他的溫暖,乾脆抱住他的腰。靳時川吻了吻她的頭頂,“小女生,要洗白白趕緊去。一抽屜在等著你呢!”