Unit2 單詞前測(2 / 2)

20. If I had declaimed boldly in previous contests, I was matchless now. (to speak loudly, sometimes with actions, so that people notice you)

21.If I had bothered Mamma with rehearsals at home before, I pestered her to death this time. (to annoy someone, especially by asking them many times to do something)

22. Yes, and I purloined my sister’s can of Palmer’s Skin Success. (formal to obtain something without permission – often used humorously)

23. But although I never admitted it, even to myself, I knew I was doomed from the start. (to make someone or something certain to fail, die, be destroyed etc.)

24. The teachers sensed my resentment. (a feeling of anger because something has happened that you think is unfair)

25. He was a goody-goody, and even Mamma was always throwing him up to me. (someone who tries hard to be very good and helpful in order to please their parents, teachers etc. – used especially by children to show disapproval.)

26.When I drew back from the couch of Sleeping Beauty and slunk (to move somewhere quietly and secretly, especially because you are afraid or ashamed) away into the shadows at the approach of Prince Charming, my facial expression was indeed something to behold. (literary or old use to see or to look at something)

27. When I was vanquished by the shining sword of Prince Charming in the last act, I was a little hammy perhaps – but terrific! (if a performance by an actor is hammy, it is done with too much false emotion)

28. Even the white folks overflowed the two rows reserved for them, and a few were forced to sit in the intervening one. (When a place overflows, or people or things overflow from somewhere, some people or things have to come out because it cannot contain them all.)

29.This created a delicate situation, but everybody tactfully ignored it. (careful not to say or do anything that could upset someone)

30.When the curtain went up on the last act, the audience was in fine fettle. (old-fashioned informal healthy or working properly)

31. That was where Leonardius unexpectedly rapped me over the head with his sword as I slunk off into the shadows. (to hit or knock something quickly)

32.The hero reached for his shining sword – a bit unsportsmanlike, I always thought, since Miss LaPrade consistently left the Head Evil Fairy unarmed – and then it happened! (沒有體育精神的,沒有運動員風範的)

33.Later I protested loudly – but in vain – that it was a case of self-defense. (without success in spite of your efforts)

34.I cited the impromptu rapping he had given my head in the second act. (done or said without any preparation or planning)

35. For the minute I saw that evil gleam (to produce or reflect a small, bright light) in his eye – or was it my own? – I cut loose (to free yourself from someone or something, or their influence) with a right to the chin, and Prince Charming dropped his shining sword and staggered (to walk or move with difficulty as if you are going to fall) back.

36. His astonishment lasted only a minute, though, for he lowered his head and came charging in, fists flailing. (to wave your arms or legs in an uncontrolled way)

37. And Sleeping Beauty was wide awake and streaking for the wings. (to run or fly somewhere so fast you can hardly be seen)

38. I lay down and expired according to specifications, but Prince Charming will probably remember my sneering corpse to his dying day. (literary if someone expires, they die)