舞者(下) 第二十六章 舞者……(2 / 2)

妹妹保鏢 Amy007 2250 字 10個月前

and lead you to the dance floor

as the music dies

something in your eyes

calls to mind the silver screen

and all its sad good-byes

i'm never gonna dance again

guilty feet have got no rhythm

though it's easy to pretend

i know you're not a fool

should've known better than to cheat a friend

and waste the chance that i've been given

so i'm never gonna dance again

the way i danced with you


教練的舞伴走上前來,雙手攬著教練的腰,小鳥依人地嬌嗔道:“Pearson,你應該讓我和Amy小姐好好認識一下。說不準哪天,我們就會在決賽場上同場競技的……你好,Amy小姐,我叫Diana,Diana Pearson。”(Diana是個內心和外表一樣出眾的女人,她已經友好地暗示了Pearson教練的歸屬權。嗬嗬,原來我還是有威脅性的。Amy自戀中~)






