第 1 章 蝴蝶骨如聖潔的器皿。口吻……(2 / 2)

敘事詩 次子姬狐 2503 字 11個月前


翅膀化為星辰,銀發再次展動。一滴燼海的海水,可以跨越兩帝國。(Electric grid. New light was seen the evening, although silver hairs were now. A tear was not only from someone but also the day taking place of his.)

魔龍破土而出,鐵塔隕落在暮夜中。兩聖劍,第一章和第二章接踵而至。(Every beautiful birth, would be that tower. The first and second time, did fall.)

白銀和水晶虛度了無冕的王座。菲沃卡,與那個人相似的臉。(Silver and crystal didn't know the twin of throne. And Daniel just had little difference from Phinoka.)

魔法晶石籠罩下,城市的眼睛,來自未來的能量體。(Crystal stone was under the eyes, and energy, needing much than times.)

愛麗絲,被星辰等待。(Lovelessness with Alice.)

翅膀驟然激起風暴的水晶蝴蝶,那天我……向丹尼爾相反的方向走去,如十七年前。(From that day crystal took so many mistakes to memorize, and I, as butterfly forming every storm, Daniel, for seventeen.)

推進心扉,前往二十歲前,但他能飛翔,隻要時間還在走,就一次次穿梭。(Heart in the twenty was cloud, showing a face, that was known as every time.)

“書中,帶著暮光女的色彩。而斯旺戴上那枚指環,使永恒很美,無論人類或是吸血鬼。”(Just twilight, lifetime handed forefinger not very quickly but was a thing with her. A loved Swan.)

沉浸在菲沃卡之中,發現丹尼爾是他的麵紗,那便是宇宙的臉。(A weakness swam this Phinoka, though Daniel pretended many ones, only this.)

你是記憶還是噩夢——你是執著還是未來?(What was your memory, dream, strength or fantasy?)

她眼睛吹入了菲沃卡。(Phinoka seldom confused eyes.)

月光撫摩過表麵的乾涸,夢想成空。(Yesterday moon might be dry, a call was pill.)

列車在加速。“艾比斯”星辰帶著億萬光年,收到一顆水晶星球。(Terminus was too fast. But now, Aibys seemed hesitated to arrive at side by earth.)

你在他身邊出生,長大,離彆。你不該愛上丹尼爾。你是大海的,愛麗絲。(He was borned to be older than Alice, every Scorpio. You were Phinoka, the same years old was shadow, that day.)

“踏著繽紛獨角獸,來這座城找我。”(It was not a time to invite unicorn.)