第 3 章 菲沃卡的銀發從……(1 / 1)

敘事詩 次子姬狐 782 字 11個月前

菲沃卡的銀發從未潰敗,坐落聖殿最高階,那個十四歲的他,總有另一個輪廓擋在眼前。一個是聖殿,一個後來也是聖殿。琴西斯。(The fourteenth of Phinoka, shrine was him forever. His stages were the earliest, with the other fourteenth. Ginxkeshi.)

“永恒的琴西斯,和短暫的我。”那是一顆冰冷的行星。("You and me, are eternal and fast, Ginxkeshi." Once took planet.)

那副鎧甲後麵成千上萬,眾誌成城。(How many armours could pay for this long time of a single face?)

原以為他們終於在一起,維麗特倒在約書亞懷中,一箭穿心,這次不用是魔女。(The most missing was she, giving a Joshua's ending, at least was their meeting this time of no magic.)

一個星座下了整晚的雨。那天他隻是轉身而去,那顆心留下來。(Leo booked its last rains of last night, after long way which couldn't lose her again.)



梵高的故事裡,永遠是他的向日葵。(For their regret they would be afraid too much. Standing, this man waited very few light of sunflower.)