[Snow White] ……(2 / 2)

隨手落墨 落墨歸人間 3885 字 11個月前

小矮人⑤:We can help you.

白雪公主:Thank you. Who are you?

小矮人⑥:We're dwarfs.

白雪公主:Dwarves? But you are so tall...


旁白:So Snow White stayed in the house of the dwarfs.Soon, the queen knew that Snow White was not dead and decided to kill Snow White herself,(王後上場,拿藥瓶往蘋果上島)She learned from the magic mirror that Snow White came to the house of the dwarfs disguised as an old woman.



王後:Is anyone here? Is there anyone?

白雪公主:Who's there?

王後:Hello, beautiful little girl. I'm very tired. May I have a glass of water?

白雪公主:Of course. Just a moment, please.

王後:Thank you.

旁白:Snow White knew that this was the queen, and she became afraid and added poison to her water.(那藥瓶往水杯裡倒)

王後:Thank you. Good boy.I have an apple for you to eat.

白雪公主:You were so tired just now, why don't you eat this apple yourself?

王後:This apple is for a good boy.

白雪公主:No, I have an apple, too.(拿出蘋果)You can eat your own apples.


白雪公主:You eat. I have it.

王後:No, you eat mine.

白雪公主:You eat.(上手,把蘋果塞到王後嘴裡)


白雪公主:My god?Are you all right

旁白:The queen accidentally ate her own poisoned apple and died in the house of the dwarfs.And the princes of neighboring countries happen to be hunting here.

白雪公主:Help! help! is anyone there?

王子:Who's calling for help?

白雪公主:It's me! Can you save the queen?

王子:Is this the queen?

白雪公主:Yes.Is she dead?

王子:She is beautiful...What happened to her?

白雪公主:I don't know... Please save her.

王子跟班:not good! She has no life.

白雪公主:Oh, my God.

王子:Did you kill this beautiful woman?

白雪公主:Not me

王子:Hateful woman! Why are you so cruel?

白雪公主:She tried to kill me...