你們也許覺得我不算漂亮, Oh,you may not think I'm pretty,
但千萬不要以貌取人, But don't judge on what you see,
如果你們能找到比我更漂亮的帽子, I'll eat myself if you can find
我可以把自己吃掉。 A smarter hat than me.
你們可以讓你們的圓頂禮帽烏黑油亮, You can keep you bowlers black
讓你們的高頂絲帽光滑挺括, Your top hats sleek and tall
我可是霍格沃茨測試用的魔帽, And I can cap them all
自然比你們的帽子高超出眾。 There's nothing hidden in your head
你們頭腦裡隱藏的任何念頭, The sorting Hat can't see
都躲不過魔帽的金睛火眼, So try me on and I will tell you
戴上它試一下吧,我會告訴你們, Where you ought to be
你也許屬於葛萊芬多, You might belong in Gryffindor
那裡有埋藏在心底的勇敢, Where dwell the brave at heart
他們的膽識、氣魄和豪爽, Their daring never and chivalry
使葛萊芬多出類拔萃; Set Griffindor apart;
你也許屬於赫奇帕奇, You might belong in Hufflepuff
那裡的人正直忠誠, Where they are just and loyal
赫奇帕奇的學子們堅忍誠實, Those patient Hufflepuff are true
不畏懼艱辛的勞動; And unafraid of toil
如果你頭腦精明, Or yet in wise od Ravenclaw
或許會進智慧的拉文克勞, If you've a ready mind
那些睿智博學的人, Where those of wit and learning
總會在那裡遇見他們的同道; Will always find their kind
也許你會進斯萊特林, Or perhaps in Slytherin
也許在這裡交上真誠的朋友, You'll make your real friends
但那些狡詐陰險之輩卻會不惜一切手段, Those cunning folk use any means
去達到他們的目的。 To achieve their ends
來戴上我吧!不必害怕! So put me on!Don't be afraid!
千萬不要驚慌失措! And don't get in a flap!
在我的手裡(儘管我連一隻手也沒有)你絕 You're in safe hand(though I have
對安全 none)
因為我是一頂會思想的魔帽! For I'm a Thinking Cap!