我要給主人幸福 Pooh:主人……(1 / 1)

Pooh:主人每天都陪我玩球,帶我散步,我們已經在一起一百天了,但是跟主人在一起的每一天我都在想我能給他帶來幸福嗎?她給我在一起真的幸福嗎?最近看主人每天都跟一個叫做Shire的男人在一起,主人每天都看起來很高興的樣子,是不是變成人就能讓主人幸福呢?The host plays ball games with me and takes me for a walk every day. We have been together for 100 days, but every day with the host, I wonder if I can bring happiness to her? Is she really happy with me? Recently, I have seen that the master is with a man named Shire every day. The master looks very happy every day. Is it possible to make the master happy by becoming a man?

Vivian:□□這幾天看起來心事重重的,似乎有什麼事情瞞著我的樣子。Pooh seems to be worried these days. It seems that he has something to hide from me.

這天Pooh趁著Vivian出門時,偷偷跑出門尋找那個神奇的阿拉丁神燈。因為主人每晚都會讀童話故事,哄Pooh睡覺,正好講到阿拉丁神燈。Pooh按照主人帶它散步的路線尋找那盞神奇的燈,突然它在一個垃圾桶旁邊發現一個壞了的燈,"That must be a magic lamp!"Pooh這樣想著。它立馬學著書中講的那樣,用爪子搓一搓那盞燈。沒想到是,竟然真的有一個魔法精靈出來了,不過與書中不同的是這個魔法精靈隻能實現一個願望,Pooh大聲的說出那個願望: "let me be human!"魔法精靈答應了小狗的願望"OK, no problem. "

Pooh:哇!我真的變成人類了啊!主人看到我一定會非常喜歡的,快點回家吧,給主人一個大驚喜!WOW! I really became a human being! The host will like me very much. Hurry home and give the host a big surprise!

Pooh回了家,坐在門前等待主人回家。Vivian很快回到了家,"Pooh, I'm back."Pooh看到主人回來了,立馬撲了上去,伸出舌頭舔主人的臉,"Master, you see, I have become a man!"Pooh激動的對主人說。但是卻被主人踢到要害,一下子製服了。Vivian立馬拿起電話,撥打999,"Someone broke into the house and robbed it. Yes, I have subdued it."被製服的Pooh還在艱難的說出,"Master, I am really Pooh!"Vivian似乎有點相信的說:"Are you really Pooh?"Pooh堅定的說:"Absolutely true!"