第1章 (2 / 2)

I trusted you. I believed you.

I believed in you, Anson Lin.

Now you want to take back your words

and your love

and your life?


Anson Lin, you are either stupid, or you are the biggest jerk in the world!

Anson, please don’t leave me.

Please don’t even think about it...

Anson, I repeat I miss you.

And when I say I miss you, please don’t pretend you didn’t hear me.

Don’t you dare to turn your face away! as if you don’t miss me at all...

as if you don’t love me at all...

as if you don’t care at all...

Anson, you know as much as I do, you miss me too.

Even more than I do.

You have built your whole life on me, haven’t you?

How can you remove the foundation of life?

How can you expect yourself to live without me?

Your decision is to give up your life, in the name of changing back my happiness...

Did you ever asked me?

Did you ever discussed with me?

Like before. You built a one-way castle.

You put me inside, and expecting me to be happily ever after just by being in there...

Now, you open the gate, chase me out and shut the door...

Did you ever even once asked me, do I willing to do that?

Anson, we have to stop.

Stop the way we treat each other.

Stop hiding away. Stop making decisions for each other just by the name of love.

Anson, I’m sorry about the baby.

I’m sorry I made the decision all by myself.

I’m sorry that for so many things I made you compromise in the name of loving me.

You shouldn’t do that.

I shouldn’t do that.

Anson, please believe me.

Please trust me.

Please take me as part of you, which will never stop being part of you.

Please see yourself as the specialist in front of the whole world.

Please remember, I may have to make daily contact to anyone, but you, you are different.

you are not the same. you will never be ‘anyone’.

You are the one. My one.

Anson, remember you said I’m too good to be true?

No, Anson.

It was you.

You and your love, my pretty boy.

You are the one who is too good to be true.

You are the one whom I can’t take my eyes off.

Anson, if you think you are crazy, if you think you are sick, then you have to take me with you.

Because, Anson, my baby darling, I am as crazy as you do.

Anson Lin, I can’t see through how deep your love is.

I can’t tell you how much I love you either.

Why not give us another chance?

give me your hand, I’ll lend you my shoulder.

No matter how dark your world is, please let me be there.

please, let’s go back to the beginning and learn how to love from page one.

This time, side by side.


And have this faith in us,

We will bring back the brightness of our life.

We will live.

happily ever after...