01 a tall story
appropriate adj.適合的 vt.挪用,侵吞
be appropriate to
attorney n.律師
shortchange v.欺騙,少找零錢,偷工減料
entitle v.享有…的權利
shopkeeper n.店長
pun n.雙關語v.使用雙關語
relish v.享受
embellish v.裝飾,美化,渲染
premium n.保險費;額外費用;附加費;adj.高昂的;優質的
disparity n.差距;(尤指因不公正對待引起的)不同,不等,差異,懸殊;
chunk n.大塊;厚片;厚塊;相當大的量;
a huge chunk of大部分
paycheck n.工資,播音演出主辦人
strikes a nerve觸及敏感點:引起某人的強烈反應或觸及某人的敏感點。
You are almost there.你差一點就成功了。快到了。你快要成功了
take a selfie自拍
hang on a minute等一下
obsolete adj.過時|淘汰|廢棄的
get into the topic進入這個話題
keep it to myself保密
mirrorless camera無反光攝像機
drop off a cliff 價格|銷量斷崖式下降
rung up the next □□=take the next rung up更進一步,技藝精進
be frustrated with=be disappointed with
I do actually. It's in a cupboard somewhere at home.
passing interest一時的興趣
be glued to my TV to watch...
mascot n.吉祥物
fair play 公平競爭|比賽
rusty adj.生疏|老式|生鏽的
reveal the answer later
trophy n.獎杯,戰利品
revamp v.修改,改進
sensational tournament 轟動的錦標賽
take a dive 急劇下降,假裝被擊倒
The World Cup世界杯
hype 炒作
fancy one's chances幻想成功
get behind someone支持某人
a sedentary lifestyle久坐的生活方式
sit on the tube坐在地鐵上
a couple of times 幾次
unhealthiest- healthy
life expectancy預期壽命
an exercise shirker
shirker n.逃避者,偷懶者
be chained to your computer
plain lazy純粹的懶惰