第 62 章 海市媽……(1 / 2)

海市媽媽輕輕推開房門走進來,在床邊坐下,伸手溫柔地撫摸女兒的臉。“媽媽你來了?辛苦了,我非常非常的對不起,是我沒有好好照顧海市。”鑒明揉揉眼睛,坐直。“不是你的錯,彆責怪自己。陳醫生已經跟我說了海市的情況,如果48小時之內能醒過來,還是比較樂觀的。”鑒明點點頭,一時不知道說什麼。海市媽媽又問,“鑒明,你吃過飯了嗎?”鑒明抬起頭,“媽媽舟車勞頓辛苦了,我叫他們把飯擺在飯廳。”“鑒明,我不餓,我是問你,吃了飯沒有?要不要回家洗個澡,換身衣服。”“謝謝,我不餓。”“鑒明,這邊的事情我不懂,海市的事情,要靠你,你不能病倒。”見他歎口氣,又說, “這房間不便宜吧?”“媽媽,要是錢能解決問題,那真不是問題。問題現在不能。”鑒明仰起頭,雙手放在臉上。“鑒明,我就睡在這,不會離開的。媽媽請你,回去洗個澡,換身衣服,最好睡一覺,再回來。說不定海市已經醒了。”“好,媽媽辛苦了。您的房間就在裡間。我很快回來。”媽媽點點頭,低頭看海市。


鑒明全身已經累到麻木,但卻沒有一絲睡意,坐進車內,伸手摸摸副駕,是自己的幻覺,好像還有一絲溫暖?電台在播《4:55 (Part of the Game》:

Yes I saw you at the station

Long distance smiles

You were leaving for the weekend

Catching the four fifty-five

With the new friend for the season

Another sad eyed clown

Helping to see that you fantasies go down

And I have to wonder to myself

Why you have to go so far

Drift with life is daydreams

Trying to play the star

I still remember when you said

Baby now let us get away

And I followed you like a schoolboy

I guess that is part of the game

Now you call me say you are sorry

Give me long distance love

You say you would like to see me

Maybe just for a while